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Stages of female pattern baldness according to Ludwig

December 25 , 2018

Female pattern hair loss, also known as female androgenic alopecia is a common condition affecting about 25% of the female population in the age of 25-40, after the age of 40 this condition affects 50% of women.

The result of intensive hair loss is noticeable thinning of the hair. However, female alopecia only in exceptional cases can lead to a complete loss of hair. 
Since hair loss in women leads to a decrease of attractiveness, strong psychological discomfort, it is necessary to take the problem seriously!


Type I. In this stage hair loss is mild. Most women may have difficulty noticing hair loss, as the frontal hairline remains relatively unaffected. Hair loss may occur on the top and front of the scalp, however. Such hair loss may be noticeable when the hair is parted down the center of the scalp, as more and more scalp will become visible over time.

Type II. hair loss is moderate. In this stage, women may notice each of the following: Thinning, shedding, general decrease in volume, and balding towards the center of the head continues to widen over time. Depending on the severity, a hair transplant procedure may be a viable option for women who  faced with the problem of hair loss

Type III. The final and most extreme classification of female hair loss. In this stage, hair is so thin that it can hardly cover the scalp, rendering it visible to the naked eye. This may be worsened by a number of factors, including hair miniaturization, progressive thinning, and extensive loss.



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January 10 , 2019
Как-то услышала о плазмотерапии для волос, начала искать в интернете, что это такое. Меня просто поразили отзывы с фото до и после людей. У меня муж столкнулся с облысением. Я даже замечаю, что он начал комплексовать. Решили попробовать плазмотерапию. Если кто-то сомневается, смело идите на процедуру. С ее помощью реально можно добиться положительных результатов, так как у мужа волосы стали заметно гуще.
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January 10 , 2019
Волосы после плазмотерапии действительно прекратили усиленно выпадать. За день до 30 волосинок теперь выпадает. Нормальной считается цифра в 100–150. А вот видимый рост новых волос заметила спустя 4-й процедуры