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Teeth whitening

If you have good shape and suitable size teeth, and the only problem is their color, you can make a professional whitening of the teeth. Just one procedure is enough to make the smile whiter by four tones. However, bleaching is performed only on patients with healthy gums and teeth without carious lesions and fluorosis. It should also be noted that if there are any restorations or fillings in the oral cavity, after the whitening procedure they must be replaced with new ones, otherwise they will be highlighted in color.

We want to note that many patients still don't know that there is such a dental procedure as professional oral hygiene and that it needs to be done at least every six months. So, sometimes for a Hollywood smile, one trip to the hygienist is enough.


Photobleaching is the most popular type of bleaching, in which the effect of the whitening gel is enhanced with the help of cold or hot light from a halogen, ultraviolet or another lamp.

Chemical bleaching doesn't imply a catalyst in the form of lamplight, here efficiency is achieved due to the increased concentration of the gel and the time it is applied to the teeth.

Laser whitening is a method of professional teeth whitening, which is based on the use of a laser in combination with a special gel. This method makes it possible to adjust the impact on each tooth individually, thereby achieving a uniform color of the tooth enamel.

Endo-whitening or internal whitening - whitening the tooth from the inside with various whitening pastes. It is applied to the teeth, which, after filling the canals or due to injury, have changed their color.